
Shun Ming Construction was founded in 1997 and has always been known of its maintenance and construction projects of various scales. As a main contractor, the core values ​​are integrity and efficiency, providing customers with a full range of services.

Over the years, engineering projects in different fields have been our core business. We rely on our past experience and professional team to meet the requirements of customers, laws and safety. We are committed to the efficient, punctual and safe completion of different contract projects.

順銘建築於1997年創立,一直以不同大大小小的建造項目和維修工程而名。 作為總承建商, 公司核心價值在於誠信和效率, 為客戶提供全方位的服務。

多年來不同範疇的工程項目為我們的核心業務, 我們憑著以往的經驗和專業的團隊達至客戶, 法律, 安全的要求。我們致力於有效率和守時地安全完成各個合約工程。